Dali Helicon 400 or Acoustic Zen Adagio?

Has anyone heard both the Dali Helicon 400 and the Acoustic Zen Adagio. Both are the same price, and from what I can tell, are slightly on the warm side. How to choose?
The Dali is warmer in presentation with more of a midbass prominence and need more space from rear and sidewalls to "disappear". The Adagio have more top end detail but less bass extension. Both are excellent choices. The Adagio is not on the warm side, it is neutral. The Adagio should be easier to drive if you have a less efficient amp. What is your amplification, room size and listening habits?
I own the Adagio and have listened to the Dali for an extended audition. I can't add much to Philbrady, the Adagios are detailed and nuetral, I don't feel they lack base, but am not a base fiend. I don't think you can go wrong with either, but the greater amp friendliness of the Adagios may tip the balance. Both look good too, which helps selling them to my wife
Thanks guys--

Sorry I didn't respond sooner, but I have been away. I use a Bel Canto digital amp. I will probably be going back to a tube pre.

I have experience with owning the 400's, purchased 800's and now am going back to a another pair of 400's. I only know the 400's, but remember there 4 ohm speakers, making them effcient relative to amp wattage. I played them through a Plinius SA100 MK111 100 watt per channel amp (rated for 8 ohm's) and the bass extension was amazing! Very nice detail, excellent sound stage, depth, openess. I'd take the Dali's in hearbeat, besides I see a lot of the Adagio's used on the Audiogon. In terms of price, its probably easier to buy a used pair then the Dali's, you should really audition both.

I own the Helicon 400s but have not heard the AZAs. I am running them with a Dared 845 tube based SET at 22wpc. I never go over 12:00 on the volume and I am floored by the dynamics and how easy these speakers are to drive. I can achieve very loud volume levels and there is no evidence of amplifier stress in the music. It is clear and very detailed throughout the musical range. I had reservations trying this combo but I am now sold many times over. It must be the relatively flat impedance that makes it amplifier freindly. In addition the Helicons WAF speaks for itself. My wife actually said " they areto nice to keep in the loft".