Dali Epicon 2 or Monitor Audio PL100

I have a small home theater; 10 x 12 feet. I have a 50" Panasonic plasma on the wall. Under that is a Sunoko Vent AV rack and on the top shelf is where my center speaker sits. I am contemplating Dali Epicon 2 or Monitor Audio PL100 to the right and left. Depending on which bookshelf sounds the best, will determine which center speaker, I will choose - Dali Vokal or Monitor Audio PL150.
Anybody have any thoughts please on which is the better speaker please?
Movies only, movies movies all the way!
The crossovers of the Pl-100's are superior. The stage is a lot deeper and wider than the Dali can give. Besiude this the ribbontweeter is much more open and realistisc in the high freq.

I use the PLC-150 myslef, stunning centre. It can build the stage far behind the spaker, but also in front. This gives it a stage to die for. I sold Dali for over 8 years of time. They make nive speakers, but Monitor Audio outperforms them quite easy.
Thank you for your response. I certainly prefer the look of the Monitor Audio PL100, so I am happy to hear this. The PLC 150 is also a stunning looking speaker and looks IMO much more exuberant than the dated looking Dali Epicon Vokal. But, one has to ask here - are we comparing like with like?
PLC 150 V's Dali Epicon Vokal - big difference in price!
I suppose I am a little old school in applying the old adage terminology- You get what you pay for.
Perhaps, the Monitor Audio is really just great value for money?
How about the Monitor Audio PLC150 V's the Monitor Audio GXC350? The latter here having an extra mid range. I have a hunch, that the GX Series from Monitor Audio was launched after the Platinium Seris (PL) and that is uses a similar tweeter and also sounds similar, but without the same exuberance in cabinet finish as the PL Series. Do you think there might be some truth in this?
The Platinum is a much better speaker. The robbontweeter in teh gold series is of a lower quality. The Platinum is a lot more natural sounding. The stage depth and width is also a big difference. Inside the Platinum Monitor Audio uses full silver internal wiring. In the gold series it is copper with a little silver. The difference in price is big, but also the overal sound. The PlC 150 is later put on the market. The Pl-200 is superior in speed and imaging compared to the Pl-300. I sold mine 300 and of many clients as well. We all play these days with PL-200 with a subwoofer. Before the Pl-300 I owned the B&W 800 S. I could not listen to classical music with the Pl-300. With the Pl-200 this changed as well.
I sold Dali for over 8 years as well. When it would be better, I would sell it. I can sell want I want. You can read in the answer that I sell it. I don't have anything to hide!
Hi Bo,
Thank you for your excellent advice. I have decided on the PL100's and I made my order, so the Dali no longer interest me.

However, PL150 V's GXC350...
Are you absolutely sure the PL150 beats the GXC350, or are they more closer in performance than you think?

If you are a Monitor Audio dealer (like the previous reader posted) and you have the PLC150 and GXC350 in stock, would you be so kind as to set them up in your showroom and give us your own personal opinion?
The 350 is very ugly to be honest. I sold them but I would not want them myself. For the 150 and Pl-200 they used better crossovers. They changed it. You need a good subwoofer. With the PLW-15 you can add a lot more dynamics to the centre as well. the Subwoofer adds low freq. to every channel. So also to the centre channel.
So to be absolutely clear - You are recommending the PLC 150 over the Gold Series GXC350 due to the better crossover within the Platinum PLC150?
Are you also saying that one requires with the PLC150, a good subwoofer to bring out it's full potential?
The ribbontweeter of the gold is a lot different than the one of the Platinum series. The centre is the most important speaker in a 5.1 set. You need a coherence in sound.

I use the PLW-15 from 16-140hz. It is a very important part in the whole system.

Do you use Facebook?
Thanks Bo.
Yes, I have a Facebook account. I rarely use it, but I am happy to use it now. Have you something to show me?
What do you need?
Take a look at: Bobby Kingma. You will find a lot of information about Monitor Audio and other brands. You can add me when you want to!
Ok Bobby. I have added you as a friend on Facebook.
Nice page you have there and very interesting.
Cheers and best regards,
Most things are written in english. You can see what I am doing now. It is totally different than other people do in audio.
"Hi Bo,Thank you for your excellent advice. I have decided on the PL100's and I made my order, so the Dali no longer interest me."

Wow, that was easy....
Hello Branslav,
Yes, it was that easy. I have been a fan of Monitor Audio for quite a while, having owned several of their different ranges over the last eight years. Call it "brand loyalty" for now.
Other factors;
When you put the Dali Epicon 2 v's the Monitor Audio PL100 and compare the following;
Price difference - Monitor Audio are much better value for money by a long shot.
Looks - Monitor Audio just exude exuberance.
Performance- ? (No Dali owners made any comments)
It is impossible in my area to find a dealer who supplies both of these models in order to make a direct comparison. So I have to rely on reviews online. I think many of us have to do this. There are several reviews online for Monitor Audio and all very positive. The are positive reviews for Dali too, but when you consider the above, as in value for money and the "drop dead" Monitor Audio good looks...it's bye bye Dali! (For now, anyway)

In fact, I am also surprised that no Dali Epicon owners came on to speak up for their chosen brand. Perhaps, you are a Dali Epicon owner and would like to something positive regarding Dali, rather than making some quick smart comment.
We can all do that you know, but where's the fun in that?

At the rate that I change and tweek my set up, the MA's will do for now. I have already booked my ticket for arguably the worlds greatest Hi-Fi Show. Roll on Germany, May 17th 2015 and let the party continue!
When the sun goes down on a daily basis, let's not forget, isn't all great fun!
I have taken delivery of the PL100's. For several months previous, (Almost a year actually, I contemplated several bookshelf speakers) I read every single review on them that I could find online. All the reviews I read were very positive and I have to agree with them all.
The PL100's are really a great little speaker, beautifully made exquisite little pieces. They sound fast and detailed..crystal clear!
They are everything that all the several reviews online say about them, so there is not much more I can add. Just make sure you use top notch amplification and cables to make these babies sing.
For now, I am absolutely thrilled!
That's awesome- congrads on your choice. I just auditioned these same two speakers plus a few others this past weekend. I thought they all had very good sound. I ended up ordering the brand new KEF Reference 1. Really loved it. It's hard to go wrong with any of the choices in this range.

Enjoy- the finish on the MA's are beautiful.