Dali, Amphion, Zu

Seriously considering Dali IKON6 vs Amphion Athene2 vs Zu Druids. Any thoughts from anyone who has heard these loudspeakers?
Whatever you do don't simply buy the flavor of the month Zus. Listen to them first yourself, every real verifiable person I know that has heard them including myself didn't think much of them.
I own Druids and they are the finest speaker I have heard in 30 years of audio. Can't tell you anything about the other 2 you mentioned but if they have crossovers in them then skip them and buy the Druids. You'll never look back.
>>every real verifiable person I know that has heard them including myself didn't think much of them<<

That seems to run contrary to most verifiable people in this forum.
For sure Zu Druids polarize alot of strong reactions for and against. Amphions have a below midrange XO point. Dali IKON6 best bang for buck kind of speaker. Ive never listened to Athenes, Dali or Druids. Have listened to other Amphion speakers in the real world price range and would like a bit more bass foundation. Owned maggies and gershman acoustics avantgardes. Small to med room. 60 wpc tube integrated will be used. Would like to hear from folks who have heard Athenes / Ikons too. Just not the Zu crowd.
I own both the Druids (4 years) & the Definitions (Almost 2 years). I really enjoy both. If you have a chance to listen to them first, great. If you don't Zu does have a money back gaurantee if you are not satisfied. The only thing you will be out is the shipping.

Just because they finally have gotten some credible recognition from known reviewers, doesn't give the right to be declaied as the "Flavor of the month".