Dahlquist speaker models, question/experience and today

Some of us older audio-piles started with Advents, KLH and others...but most of my friends had the Dahlquist DQ-10 at one time in their audio journey. I know nothing about the 9, 20i, 30i etc. If any of you have experience and can compare the DQ-10 vs later models it would be interesting to hear you thoughts/views/experience. Thanks.


Showing 1 response by whatjd

...eddie, thanks for the info/suggestions.  

I have owned a very large number of speakers over the years...and stacked Advents, Dahlquist DQ-10 and Magnepan 20 are the ones I remember most. 
I would mention Karly, Jaleen and Susanne...but the speakers were cheaper and more reliable.