Dahlquist reincarnated? Please see link below:


When I was younger I auditioned a pair of the originals and they blew me away. Eventually, I ended up with JSE Infinite Slope's then Symdex Gammas.

I'll be in the market again soon and while I see Quad's for sale everywhere (988's) it seems that DQten's too have been brought back to life from the dead by a Canadian company (see link above).

Does anyone know anything about these reincarnations or the company itself?

I'll be going to one of the CES shows where I hope to hear Acapellas LaCampanella & LaMusika, Druid, Merlins, Avantgarde's Uno, Quads etc. but the original DQ10's were always a hit...

Thanks for your help.


Showing 1 response by fishboat

You might consider a pair of the 20i's or 30i's..I think they tried to address the base issues with the two models. I saw a pair of perfect 30i's go on ebay (in Florida) for around $700. Regnar sells upgrade kits for the older models.