Dahlquist DQ12 replacement woofers?

I picked up a pair of DQ12s with the woofers completely replaced with some relatively crappy no name speaker. The originals weren't available for rebuild either. Regnar doesn't appear to have anything to replace them, so I was hoping someone else might have some ideas.
You might contact the seller of these DQ-12s on eBay and see if he kept the original drivers when he changed them for Radio Cracks(bonehead). (http://cgi.ebay.com/Dahlquist-DQ-12-speakers-great-sounding-speakers_W0QQitemZ200243798038QQihZ010QQcategoryZ14993QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem) Only three hours left on the auction though.
Thanks, I actually did that and he hadn't :). I've been searching the net, no luck so far.
The drivers are the same ones used in the large Advent I'm pretty sure. They are usually easy to get.
They had the same frame as the large Advent, but- rather than the smallish square magnet, a larger round one. Different voice coil and Thiele/Small parameters.