Dahlquist DQ10

New user, first post. I don't consider myself an audiophile...haha.  I have the opportunity to purchase a set of DQ 10's @ $375 for the pair.  Been on the 'Google' researching but figured I'd just get some new info here.  Is this a good deal?  They have been re-foamed but no tweaking of the electronics.  Seller says they have not been used much.  Will my Yamaha RX V677  7.1 SS receiver have sufficient power for these if used in 2 channel mode?  I find conflicting opinions about this.  I remember these when they first came out in the 70's and the reviews were fantastic.  Just wonder if they still compare to today's speakers.  Thanks!

Showing 13 responses by sejodiren

I am going to listen to them tomorrow.  Is there a way I can tell?  I'm not very knowledgeable about the tech type stuff.
Thanks!  I find it interesting that the stock caps would still be good but newer ones put in during a mod may be bad.  Do you think my receiver has the power to fully get the best sound?  It has pre-outs and the option of getting a power amp might be interesting.  Have always wanted one.
Well, made the purchase.  They have been owned by an engineer since new.  Not a mark or ding on them.  Wood grain with the sorta beige covers.  He lives in the retirement home down the street and was selling them in their in house thrift store.  They had them hooked up to a small Sony SS receiver....maybe 30 wpc at most.  I was pretty impressed with the sound even at the low volume.  rodmann99999-they have the shiny yellow caps.  Gonna pick them up friday morning....now I just need to figure out placement in my living room....haha
Haha.....love it 'waterzlife'.  In the late 70's, I had a friend who owned a Phase Linear 400.....can't recall the speakers. Thorens TT.  I still remember how it sounded.  Bachman Turner Overdrive f'n rocked the dump!  Fear and awe is a great analogy though! Thanks for all the feedback everyone!  Was looking at power amps on the ole interwebs today....
Thanks rodman99999!  I'm kind of leery about buying used so I was just looking at new.  Yikes....$$$$  Probably wait till tax time next year.  I'm old and retired...haha. Gonna see how they sound first with my current  SS set-up.  I gotta think they'll blow away the Yamaha towers I bought in '96, even without some 'mega-wattage'...and to me those sound pretty damn good.  I also have a Klipsh 8" sub so I'm sure that'll compensate for the lack of bass response that I read these supposedly lack.  We shall see!
Thanks for the tips.  I got the Yammy free as a safety award for 30 years of accident free driving.  And the Klipsch sub was also an award.  It was part of a SS 5.1 package.  The satellites sound like crap but the sub cranks.  I guess I could consider myself an educated 'newb' now!  I'm always skeptical about joining forums because they're so many buttholes on them.  You folks have been great and I appreciate the advise.  Lots of good info on here.....scrambled my old brain cells a bit.....haha.
Picked them up...hooked them up.   All I can say is I'm blown away. Have played several records I'm very familiar with.....most notably a '77 copy of Aja, some Count Basie, Zappa, Brand X, Art Pepper, Tomita.... I heard things I've never heard before. Also some digital 'net radio' and now some Donald Fagan-Nightfly on CD..... Now I need to re-arrange some furniture. Also, got the owners manual with it. Looks like it was kept pressed in a book. Mint also.... All original Dahlquist electronics on the crossover boards. I listened also with my sub on....added some bottom end which is probably lacking due to not enough power? I think they sound incredible without the sub. All in all, I'm a happy camper! Thanks for the advice. And now I know what imaging is all about!
@ celander...yea, these were one owner, an electrical engineer.  He had the woofers re-foamed.  Crossover boards are all original and pretty much dust free.  He took care of them.  On another note.....I spent a few hours yesterday listening to many of my records...and some CD's too.  It's as if it's all new recordings or remasters!  Jazz and classical were especially amazing. Heard things I've not heard before.  My house is 103 years old so the living room is small by today's standards.  Best sounding speakers I've ever owned.  I owned a set of KLH 3-ways back in about '75.....those were close as far as I remember.  Picked up some records at the local used place yesterday.  Time to chill......
Hey!  OP here.....nice write-up.  I just love these speakers.  I don't have the equipment that all you folks own but my ears are still being amazed when I play something that I haven't heard in a while.  Still using my 7.2 'yammy' and a Grado Black.  Might go power amp for xmas but my room is about 15 by 15 with 9 foot ceilings.  And I don't do 'loud' much anymore....mostly jazz these days though I do on occasion 'rock the dump'.  Thx for the input....
So one of my local 'hi-fi' shops has a boat load of used equipment.  All equipment has been tested and comes with a 30-day parts and labor warranty.  A Carver  TFM-35X 250wpc-$489 and a Carver  CT-26V tuner/preamp-$189.  Good price?  Seem to recall the Carver being high current/high power.  Love the look of it.....
You'll probably have to have the woofers re-foamed for sure if it hasn't been done.  You'll know for sure once you pull the grills off or hook them up.  
Figured as the OP, I'd chime in.  Listen almost every day.....love the sound.  I guess the one 'deficiency' they have is they will make crappy source material sound exceptionally crappy!  I happened to pick up a few used CD's at the GW yesterday.  One was Diana Krall on Verve....I was in the kitchen fixing breakfast and it sounded like she was in the living room....fabulous.  Another CD was Robert Palmer....it sounded horrible.....who ever mastered and mixed it must have been partially deaf.  And Filter-Short Bus..... it sounded exceptional!   I did find a high current Proton integrated amp from the mid 80's to power them.  It makes the 10's sing compared to that almost new Yamaha SS.  No need for a sub at all!