Dagostino hd momentum, is lack of rubes a problem?

Kinda disappointing that dagostino doesnt do tubes. Is lack of tubes in their hd momentum preamp cause for concern when paired with a ss amp?

yes, rubes in title sb tubes.  Cant edit descriptions. So rubes appears.

Showing 1 response by geleary123

 i have spoken with Dan Way back when  1988 we hit it off  hung out a few times  got  together at the Listing Room Scarsdale NY & at his Factory in Orange CT  Solid State is what he is very good at  & had no interest in tubes  even its its just output stage  I too have tried to Mix & match my Krell  Amps With AR tube preamp  and a few other big name tube preamps as far as i am concerned it just does not match up i will keep my KRELL  Amp & pre amp anytime over tube  I do love VAC tube Equipment  but then comes  the tube insanity of rolling tubes & it just never stops   it s  one or the other   i am all in Solid state  M L , J R , Krell will do just fine good night