Daedalus Audio DA-1

I searched A'gon and could only find one member's review...no discussions about this speaker.

From what I read on the web, this speaker sounds different and my not be everyone's cup-o-tea. They supposedly are more of a "live venue" sound than a speakers that performs according to the traditional audiophile checklist.

Does anyone else have these...Has anyone heard them?

If so, what are your thoughts, what was the system that they were with & what other speakers did you compare them with?

Any experience that you can share would be appreciated.

Mfr's Website:http://www.daedalusaudio.com/index.html

Review http://www.positive-feedback.com/Issue20/daedalusda1.htm

Showing 3 responses by barrelchief

By no means am I anywhere near the recommended 300 hours for 100% break-in. However, with the relatively little amount of play that my DA-1's have had, they sound very nice.

I don't know that I will have the time for a formal "review." However, I can check in with updates as they continue to break in.

These speakers definitley have a "lively" sound that I find brings a natural realism to much of what I have played through them.

The thing that I find I enjoy the most so far, is that I am not feeling the need to listen "analytically." I realy am just enjoying the music. After spinning in circles on this audio-go-round, to me, this is what it is all about.

One thing for sure...these speakers really shine with "live" recordings. The DA-1's really nail the "live" energy.

Yes, the cabinet work is a true carftsmanship that I have never seen before in home audio speakers. If you have an appreciation for that kind of thing/detail, that in itself really makes these speakers something impressive and special.

Regarding Lou having his Daedalus DA-1's at the RMAF at least two times, I cannot beleive that there is not more chat/exposure/buzz out there (good or bad) regarding these speakers.
Since posting that in August, I went and listened to them and shortly after, I bought'm. They have quite a way to go in the break-in process. So far, I am very pleased.

What did they use as a source, amplification and cables for the show demo?

Thanks for chiming in.
It is funny that Nakolawala mentionned about the highs not being as extended as he expected, as this seems to be my only negative observation at this point...not to the point that I don't like the speakers, just not as extended as I am used to from other speakers. I now will be a bit more aggresive in trying to hit the 300th hour.

By "lively" I would not describe the speakers (in my system) as sounding "aggressive" or "forward and/or tilted up" The music just has a breath of fresh air that seems to have more of a live realism and sounds less like the playback of a recording. So far, I seem to notice this more with drums/cymbals & guitars (especially acoustic guitars.)

I definitley find the DA-1's to be both listenable (i.e. non-fatiguing) and dynamic at the same time. The lamest, but best way to describe my experience so far, is that they make my music "fun" to listen to.

My current set up...Electrocompaniet EMC-1 24/192 CDP, Aesthetix Calypso Tube Pre, H2O Signature Mono 250W Power amps. All IC's are Kubala-Sosna's Fascination Series. PC's are both Kubala-Sosna & FIM/CRL. Though my dedicated Listening room is acoustically treated, there are some issues (bass null) that need to be resolved.

Ironically, I have been considering upgrading my cdp (likely with a tube unit) and the Capitole is on my radar. I am glad to hear that Nakolawala has found good synergy with that CDP, the DA-1's and a variety of different power amps.

Details to follow...