DACs with Preamp Stages, Pt 2

First, I’d like to thank everyone who responded to my last post on DACS that do well without a preamp (https://forum.audiogon.com/discussions/dacs-that-do-well-without-a-preamp?utm_source=sendgrid&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=website)  

The responses led me to consider several DACs I had not originally had on my radar, particularly RME-ADI 2 FS,  soekris 1541, Bel Canto e.One  2.7, and Hegel HD30.  

Recently, I also had a chance to hear a used Auralic Vega DAC, and thought it sounded very good, especially at  a price point of ~$1200. Since this is the least up-to-date of the DACS I’m considering, I do wonder if it makes sense to buy a DAC from 2014, when there has reportedly been so much change since then. Am I likely to find noticeable improvement with any of the DACs above?


Showing 3 responses by cheeg

Thanks fuzztone — I was leaning toward the RME, but I heard the Bel Canto yesterday and fell I love. I havent heard the RME yet, but I’m pretty sure I’d like it. 

Could you explain your romance in more detail?

Without getting too graphic about it…

First off, there was a sense of the instruments being in the room with me; castanets, cymbals, vocals, bass notes, all frequencies were extremely crisp, clear and present. 
Next, the unit worked beautifully straight to the amp, at all volume levels. 
Finally, and hardest to explain, was an almost ethereal sense of the music being all around me, although each instrument was anchored to its own place. Without getting too analytical about it, it just sounded amazing. I know some of that was due to the piece I was listening to (Sevdaliza’s album Ison), and to the speakers (Bryston Middle T’s), but when the DAC was swapped out for Qutest, the sound just wasn’t the same.