Dac with build-up streamer

That should say built-in streamer ……I have been playing around with streamers lately, reading and experimentation lol…doesn’t the streamer get reclocked by the Dac?..so what’s the point, is it better to have the streamer built into the Dac?…less cables …anyone have recommendations for a dac with a built in streamer?…5k or less…


Showing 7 responses by silverfoxvtx1800

I have been reading about the Audio Analogue AADAC, the Bluetooth looks like it’s really good…so your smart phone is the streamer…it has a good volume control so you don’t need a preamp…anyone have any experience with it..


A friend brought over a Auralic Aries G1.1 and when in airplay it would cut out for a second, randomly, when in Quboz it played great…


That is a good idea, and I have been thinking about it seriously….my system is very detailed and that dac probably would be a good match…I have a New Ontech Dac07 I bought from 11 stereo where I could trade it in and get 80% back on trade for the MA3…or find a used one and keep,the Dac07 as a spare..what to do lol

thanks for telling me about the Moon products…have you compared them to any other dacs and streamers? My first research they sound good..