DAC vs. Preamp

I have just purchased Parasound JC1 Monos and will be getting Triton Ones soon. I will be using an Arcam cd player and Macbook Pro. I think I'm done with vinyl. Too much work. Would a good DAC be sufficient in this configuration or is a preamp still the way to go. I don't want the DAC to be a weak link yet money is definitely a concern. This is a brand-new system so I'm wide open to suggestions. Help,please.

                                                                                                                             Thanks, Mike


Showing 1 response by roscoeiii

Another option worth looking into is a DEQX unit. HDP-4 replaced my prior preamp (the excellent Musical Fidelity kW which I need to get around to selling) and DAC. Gives you multiple digital inputs, 2 analog inputs, and digitally corrects for your room and your speaker. Pretty amazing unit. And very transparent. I notice no degradation of sound with my vinyl rig running the DEQX in bypass mode (which still involved ADC/DAC conversion. 

Gives you unbelievable flexibility in fine tuning the sound of your system, and you can program in multiple profiles that you can switch between at the click of a button. There is a long thread on DEQX here on Audiogon. There you'll see the super-member Almarg has also gotten on the DEQX train.