DAC Usb questions

hello friends, 

I have a Holo Audio Cyan 2 dac on order. Cyan 2 does not offer source switching, it automatically uses an active source favoring usb. My question is if a usb source is used, say Tidal via usb via laptop to Cyan even if Tidal is off will a signl be present causing the Cyan to default to the usb input?  If this is the case, I would have to remove the usb cable from the laptop to use a cd transport via spdif/aes digital cable.  Also, do you think I will bee able to leave my Cambridge Audio MXN 10 streamer connected to the Cyan 2 via Spdif cable?

FYI- currently using a Gungnir MB with gen 5 usb,  more straitforward to use with traditional source input election switch. 


thank for your time.

