DAC Upgrade

I currently using a Bryston BDA-1 DAC and although it is a pretty good DAC, I want to upgrade to a 2r2 DAC. I recently purchased a Jays Audio cdt2 mk.ll transport and it is exceptional. My budget is in the $2,000 range and after careful review, I have narrowed the list to Schitts-Yagdrasil, Denafrips-Pontus and Holo Spring 2 level 2(new). Unfortunately, It is difficult to compare the three of them side by side, so I have to rely on expert reviews. I am looking for a DAC that is transparent, extended but smooth highs, 3D midrange and tight bass. My equipment is Prima Luna Prologue Pre Amp, Prima Luna Dialogue HP Amp and Silverline Sonata Mk.III speakers. Any thoughts?
Holo Spring Level 3 measurements, it’s decent when in OS mode.
 So very wrong, everyone that's heard it prefers NOS mode, even the designers when it playing PCM redbook, not dsd rubbish.


Cheers George

Don’t belive everything you read, even if the ones saying so belive it. Unless by liking it better they mean they like the higher levels of IMD and aliasing. I describe better as transparent, no “colorations” added, I just want it to convert digital to analog.

If you can point to any technical benefit of R2R as it’s been implemented, I’d love to hear it. Same thing regarding DSD and MQA, there is no actual benefit over PCM in regards to a more accurate file, which I’ve also asked to be proven wrong.

One man’s recessed mids is another man’s overemphasized bass and treble. It’s the exact same thing but two people can have different take aways.
R2R is just another way to skin the cats. DS is cheaper, smaller and does the same functionality with better quality in term of measurements. I haven't seen by any mean any quantifiable proof that say good implementation of R2R DAC beat the same league DS ones. That being said if you must stick to your plan, look for soekris DAC. By measurements it's pretty decent. 
Cavy, check out border patrol DACs. A buddy of mine has one and it was fantastic sounding. 
Transparent, organic, 3d, orgasmic. 
Under 2k. Good luck!

The Real Reason Some People Prefer Analog To Digital


There’s a problem that has been ignored by the entire music industry which I believe is really important for music-lovers that I think you my want to investigate.  Approximately 35 years ago when digital media was introduced to the music consuming public as a media with “Perfect Sound Forever” the music industry made a huge screw up when it got the playback polarity of digital music on CDs and later DVDs, etc. in reversed (inverted polarity).  On a purely random basis that means that digital media and files are heard in the wrong polarity approximately 85% of the time and either 92% wrong or correct when audio systems are set to a fixed playback polarity.


The result is that the music played in inverted polarity sounds harsh and two-dimensional. And that’s probably the major reason that some music-lovers still believe (without knowing the real reason) that analog sounds better than digital.  Analog media plays in the correct polarity over 99.9% of the time but also sounds bad if played in inverted polarity.  It’s difficult if not impossible to make meaningful comparisons of the fidelity and musicality of media and audio components when they aren’t playing in absolute polarity.  The better the playback system the easier it is to hear the differences in polarity.  Confusion over polarity may cause music-lovers to expend needless time and money trying to smooth out the irritating and flat sound of digital media when the real problem is music played in inverted polarity.


This should be an object lesson on how an entire industry with its experts and electrical engineers can get it wrong and not do anything about if for over 35 years and counting!  So it should be an object lesson that the entire industry that creates recorded music and is based upon scientific principles continues to mostly get polarity wrong.


I've written two monographs that go into great detail about the problem at: http://www.AbsolutePolarity.com andhttp://www.PolarityGeorge.com.  If you or anyone you know might be interested in developing ThePerfect Polarizer™ that will detect and correct polarity in real-time, then please forward this email to them/encourage them to contact me, because I believe it could be accomplished with AI/App.  Now, do you want to be part of the problem or part of the solution?”


Respectfully submitted,


George S. Louis, Esq., CEO

Digital Systems & Solutions

President San Diego Audio Society (SDAS)

Website:  www.AudioGeorge.com

Email: AudioGeorge@AudioGeorge.com

Phone:  619-401-9876