DAC trends..

Good afternoon folks,
I've been reviewing various stand alone DAC's and also DAP's and Digital music players. It seems there is a trend to convert PCM to DSD 128 in many systems - I'm interested to know what you think about this/how it's sounding to you? Are they doing this because DSD is superior? or that it's easier to implement. I've been gaining the impression that many DAC's end up not truly being brilliant for either format due to trying to do too much.
Would your thoughts be that a DAC should stick with one format or the other and do that format really well?
Thanks jim204 . I know the DSD vs PCM question is tired to put it politely but I think it's worth revisiting particularly in the light of more and more DAC's becoming available with differing configurations. I suspect true, native, unadulterated (sounds like extra extra virgin olive oil..) DSD is still the dogs wotsists but I find it interesting that most opinions echo yours regarding converted PCM and it gives support to the concept of simply accepting music recorded to PCM with all the ease of mixing and then converting in the DAC - best of both worlds?...
There lies the conumdrum, my friend has the PS Audio Direct stream DAC and I have the Oppo sonica DAC heavily modified and both those units have upsampling to DSD the Sonica is ether DSD or native PCM at huge increments. I happen to really like the DSD option as I feel that gives an airier feeling to files. As to your last sentence only you can answer that but to date of all the formats employed today I find well implimented DSD to sound most natural to my ears.