Hi guys. recently jumped to computer audio wagon. I have searched and read the web but I can't find any solution.
DYNAUDIO 52SE -- speaker
EXPOSURE 2010S -- int. Amp
PS AUDIO DLIII -- DAC (not yet broke-in, less than 10hrs of use)
tried my macbook thru USB and Apple tv thru toslink
I might be imagining how thinly it sounds now, but also I would add that it adds tremendous information on my simple system now. Is it, because I hear a lot on higher frequency now compared before? or the fact it's upconverting my files?
yeah could be number of things.. I heard a reference system before but it was a long time ago (front end was dCS:).. prolly time for me to go to my dear dealer again.
I thought ALAC is not compressed file? All my CD's where ripped thru ALAC..
About the interface I'm using-- yeah kinda have feeling about it. BUT right now I'm in fund "saving" mode. I plan to replace my macbook hopefully after August and I would get the cheaper USB to S/PDIF converter either the hiface2 or the halide design bridge..
IIRC the USB input on the DLIII is limited to 16/44.1
i think 'bright' is the closest term I can say on my system. Also the midrange is really thin sounding to me.. I wish I could have gotten the oppo uni. player :( but all the CD's are stored in my library now..
thanks everyone. I decided to add a transport (universal player). I really dont like the sound coming from a USB and the apple tv connected by a toslink. So we'll see if the SQ is due to the DAC itself. :(
I would love to get the USB to S/PDIF but I'm on limited budget right now (I'm also upgrading my MACbook-- so I don't want to do this right now)
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