DAC/Streamers Under 10k - Mytek, PS Audio...

Let's imagine you only listen to streaming music (Tidal, Qubuz, Apple Music, Youtube, etc). Roon is a pretty good way to stream higher quality to a Roon core (though the interface is horrendous) and for everything else you want to use AirPlay (which is lossless). What's the best option for a DAC-Streamer out there? I have a Mytek Brooklyn DAC+, which sounds excellent, but I don't love that I need to attach a USB cable to a computer to get the music to play (using a MacBook Pro currently).

There is the 
- Mytek Manhattan II w/ Network Card - $7k
- PS Audio DirectStream - $6k
- Lumin X1 - $14k (well over budget)
- Ayre QX-5 Twenty - $9k (might not support AirPlay)
- something from NAIM?
- ???

I've seen very few comparisons in the space so I just don't even know what's out there.
(For reference, the system is currently MBP > Mytek Brooklyn > Mc C47 > Mc MC452 > B&W 802 D3 with all Audioquest cabling)
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Showing 2 responses by stolpovsky

Like other folks here, looking for a DAC that will play Quoboz via an on-board bridge or with an external streaming server (thoughts and suggestions on either configuration welcome).

My short list of contenders, in no particular order:
PS Audio DirectStream with Bridge II
Naim ND5 XS 2
Mytek Manhattan II
Linn Selekt DSM with Katalyst

Anything else I should consider?

From what I gathered, Mytek support can be underwhelming. It may not be an issue if the product works flawlessly, but can be frustrating if there are issues.

I've had good experience with PS Audio, they are very responsive. I like that their DAC is upgradable. I like that it is FPGA-based, and I do like the idea of converting every manner of input format to DSD before analog. Quite frankly, my main concern with their DAC is the grainy touchscreen with dated interface that a lot of folks complain about and some find downright ugly.

I auditioned Linn with a local dealer and will buy from them if I decide to go with Linn. It looks very nice, they are selling it for around $7,000 with Katalyst.

It is interesting to note that all the DACs are in the $6,000 to
$7,000 range - thereby defining a market segment and competing directly with each other.
@mahler123 Are you using Roon with your setup? To me the appeal of a streamer (separate or integrated with the DAC) is that I can use streaming services and NAS, while controlling it with something that has an intuitive and pleasant to use interface (maybe Roon on iPad or PC, or something similar). A clunky app would totally kill the buzz for me. Can you comment on that, please? Does Bryston require a proprietary app to control the BDP3?