DAC/Streamers Under 10k - Mytek, PS Audio...

Let's imagine you only listen to streaming music (Tidal, Qubuz, Apple Music, Youtube, etc). Roon is a pretty good way to stream higher quality to a Roon core (though the interface is horrendous) and for everything else you want to use AirPlay (which is lossless). What's the best option for a DAC-Streamer out there? I have a Mytek Brooklyn DAC+, which sounds excellent, but I don't love that I need to attach a USB cable to a computer to get the music to play (using a MacBook Pro currently).

There is the 
- Mytek Manhattan II w/ Network Card - $7k
- PS Audio DirectStream - $6k
- Lumin X1 - $14k (well over budget)
- Ayre QX-5 Twenty - $9k (might not support AirPlay)
- something from NAIM?
- ???

I've seen very few comparisons in the space so I just don't even know what's out there.
(For reference, the system is currently MBP > Mytek Brooklyn > Mc C47 > Mc MC452 > B&W 802 D3 with all Audioquest cabling)
Ag insider logo xs@2xmayoradamwest

Showing 4 responses by audiotroy

Mayorwest we sell almost all the brands you are looking at Lumin, Aurender, Mytek, plus a ton of others T plus A, Naim.

Please give us a call to discuss

Dave and Troy
Audio Doctor NJ
Personaly  Mayor i wouldnt make a move until the new Naim Ndx  2 hits.

The design of this $7500 streaming Dac is off the charts and will most likely be unbeatable at the price point.

Dave and Troy
Audio Doctor NJ
Mayor we are a Myter dealer let us know your price we might be able to assst youi

David Ten, their are only a few reference level  streaming devices on the market you will either have a computer/streaming kind of device:

Baestis, Antipodes, Innous, SGM, Aurender, Naim Core


the dedicated network streamer without storage:

Lumin, Auralic, 

One of the leading questions is do you want to use Roon and or Jriver?

We find that upconversion to higher upsampled PCM or DSD usually sounds way better than 16/44

The Innous new statement is probably the finest digital source currently available the design and feature set of this piece is off the charts:

1: custom motherboard
2: custom usb board
3: custom software
4: femto clocks 
5: massive regulated outboard power supply
6: shock mounted drives
7:incomming ethernet noise filter
8: usb isolation

Dave and Troy
Audio Doctor NJ