I had the Topping D90LE and the D90SE for a short time. Both of those DAC ended up being sold rather quickly since I found them rather lifeless. I like the Benchmark DAC3B a lot more than the Topping units. I still have the DAC3B and likely keep that around.
I am now down to 1 final audio piece to get to finish off my Livingroom system (other systems are done). I am looking at the PlayBack Designs Dream DAC (or the lower PBD unit). The system I plan this for currently has the DAC3B using a PlayBack Designs streamer (via SPDIF).
Listening to the Livingroom system already gives me goose bumps (every time). It sounds even better with the Schitt Yggi+ Less is More DAC, but I need that DAC in my office system. I am assuming a top tier DAC would be over the top incredible.