DAC recommendation in 5 to 10K range

I recently get to the point that I want to try a new DAC in $5 to $10K range and would like to know if there are recommendations I should try and audition.


My current DAC is a Denafrips Terminator, to me, Terminator is an overall fun DAC that provide good clarity, energy, and scale. It has strong macrodynamic focus with good impact and punch, as well as solid resolving power and texture, but I feel drawback is lacking micro dynamic capability, tonality is not organic, neither is presentation, treble is not that refined, and can sometimes get too hot and gritty. What I hope in my next DAC is a balanced DAC that lean a bit more toward the relaxed and slightly sweeter smoother side of things, great organicness, great placement accuracy and depth in overall stage, great coherency and liquidity, as well as having great impact and punch.


+1 on the Meitner MA3

I moved from a PS Directstream Sr which is still Class A in Stereophile

The MA3 is a DAC/Streamer/Pre and a Roon Ready/Roon Endpoint device with full MQA unfolding. It has a great tonal balance and a deep/wide soundstage. Excellent separation of instruments. A very non fatiguing DAC with a smooth top end.

Ed Meitner (also of EMM Labs) is a legend in the industry and this DAC has tons of proprietary technology.

One unforeseen benefit for those who have optimized their network with the Uptone Ether Regen or other switch, Fiber Modules, Clocks etc. The MA3 seems to address the Jitter/Noise issues these devices are attempting to solve. There is very little difference between a direct ethernet connection to the DAC vs my normal Sonore OM>ER>AD Clock path. Adding in the power supplies (Farad) and cabling this is $5k of equipment the MA3 appears to make obsolete.

With the Direcstream this equipment made a huge difference


MA3 can be bought in the $7-8K range



When you consider the feature set in addition to the superb sound quality, the Weiss DAC501 is tough to beat.

My choice won't be neutral as I am canadian but definitely 

+1 for the Meitner MA3 !

Lampizator out of Poland.

Baltic 3 or Atlantic TRP.

A used Big 7 which is the first in the lineup of DHT triode will be in your budget also.

I am not Canadian though I love Canada and I do have a Moon 680D and love it.

the progression was 280D to the 390 to the 680D. When my investments recover one day the 780D v2 may find it's way into my system if not okay I am smitten with what I have.