DAC question

I'm in a process of building my sound system. Currently it consists of B&W Matrix 803 S2 and Luxman M600-A amp. The next step is to get a DAC. I'm thinking about Luxman DA-06 or Aqua La Scala Mk II but not sure if it's really make sense to pay such money for DAC when using in such system. All my music is in flac (or other lossless formats)...

Showing 1 response by georgehifi

"Thermal equilibrium after 48 hrs", if the ambient stays the same. And this doesn’t mean it will sound better, it could sound better after 1hr

This means night and day, winter summer will sound different unless you keep your house temp constant.

All this is to much voodoo, you’ll send yourself nutz, just listen to it and say to yourself good enough after 1/2hr of being swtiched on.

Cheers George