DAC/Pre's Digital attenuation vs. analog


I'm trying to decide whether to buy a W4S DAC2 and use the digital preamp, or to get the DAC1 with a separate component preamp (such as a Bryston BP25). I don't care all that much about the cost; just performance.

What are the advantages/disadvantages of going either way?

(I'm also considering a Benchmark HDR or USB).

Showing 1 response by bombaywalla

04-26-12: Ivan_nosnibor
Hi Robert, whether going digital or analog with attenuation it's all really about the impedance matching.
please explain this statement as I do not understand how digital attenuation & impedance matching of source & power amp are related. Sources are usually very low output impedances digital attenuation or not.

So, a 32-bit player can offer 16 db of digital attenuation before reaching the 16-bit level,....
how did you come up with these numbers of 16dB of attenuation using a 32-b D/A?? Can you share your calculations? Thanks.
I think it's very wrong but it would be good to see your calculations before saying more.
Right now my CDP has a 24-b D/A that provides 50dB of total attenuation where at 50dB of attenuation you get zero output volume. So, how did your 32-b D/A provide only 16dB of attenuation?