DAC Help : Please Weight In - Down to 5

In no particular order, I am looking to get a new dac streamer.

1) Mola Mola Tambaqui

2) Terminator Plus with Gaia

3)  Lampizator Golden Gate 2 / THE BIG SEVEN MK2

4) Aqua La Scala MKII Optologic DAC

any strong recommendations based on experience?

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Showing 1 response by gkr7007

I have tried many DACs in my system in the last few years.  For me the Lampizators brought it all together.  I currently have a used Big 7 mk2 that came directly upgraded from Lampi that has almost no miles on it as I got a great deal on a Golden Gate.  Both are killer Dacs.  It still has some warranty left on it.  If interested message me.  I'll make the best deal I can as I have way too much equipment laying around that needs new homes.