DAC Help

Could everyone give me some insight to what kind of outboard DAC is equal in performance to the built-in DAC in my B&K AVR 307, and opinions on whether or not to go outboard ? Using a Adcom GCD-700 as CD Player. (NO Adcom bashing PLEASE!!) Thanks alot.
Justy--no adcom bashing here...however...your dac can only decipher the information that your transport sends to it. Typically having separate power supplies, better isolation, and single duty components (as opposed to components that handle two or more tasks within a box) is a sonic advantage. In your case, however, this may not be money well spent. You may better yourself by upgrading to a better one box player.
Justy, I'm not totally familiar with the B&K receiver, but my understanding is that all inputs are digitized. Eg, an analog in (a tuner, a CD player, etc.) will be subject to the receiver's A/D then D/A. So, I'm missing your point in trying to add a separate DAC. If you add a DAC, then your receiver will digitize that. Am I understanding you correctly? If so, that's why we want to have an analog bypass in these types of receivers. Then you get all of the advantages of a separate DAC or a good single box player.