DAC for entry level system

I have an entry level system.
Speakers: Vienna acoustics Bach.
Plinius 8100 integrated amp.
Arcam CD72 player.
Logitech squeesbox touch.
I would like to buy a DAC to my system, but I don’t know what price level of DAC will get me much better result than the internal DAC that I have now in the Arcam and the Logitec. Will(example of price groups) $179 HRT music steamer II will do it? Or $379 Musical fidelity V-DAC MKII, or $649 Simaudio 100D, or $995 Rega dac.

Showing 1 response by jedinite24

Wow Bedel. That is a VERY nice entry level system. Sorry to add another entrant to this foray but you should check out the Teac UD-501


Other audio enthusiasts I've run into have been using them for a little less than a week and have been very impressed.

The TEAC supports PCM up to 24bit/384KHz and DSD64 and 128. It has both balanced and single-ended outputs and a built in headphone amp. All for $850 and under $800 used.