DAC for Audiotron

I am thinking about purchsing a DAC from my Audiotron based system (I have no CD player and rely completley on WAV and MP3). I have a decent amp but i am considering upgrading. My question is this, since the Audiotron puts out at 44.1 kHz max, do I:
1. Buy an older MSB link II DAC for $100-$200 since it was designed for the 44.1 KHz
2. Purchse a Channle Islands VDA abd VAC for considerbaly more but have a compenent that i can grow into.
3. Buy an even older Soundstream / Krell DAC-1 for $100
4. Any other suggestions.
I am really new to this and was wondering what people had matched DAR's liek the Audiotron with?

Showing 1 response by applejelly

I wanted to bump this to the top as I am also interested in this. I currently have a DAC with 3 inputs, which I intentionally bought so I could have it hooked to a transport (in my case a DVD player) and later the Audiotron, or something like it.

My question, can a standard DAC (build for the CD format) perform D-to-A on a MP3 bitstream or does the input have to be from a .wav (which is PCM right?)? Obviously some discs are so poorly recorded that you won't lose much going with a high bitrate MP3 encryption. That would save HD space and make tags easier. But ultimately, I want my collect as .wav's with no losses.