DAC connection: which type gives highest fidelity?

Suppose one wants to connect two digital devices, as in a streamer to an outboard DAC or similar.

Which is the highest fidelity connection?  USB, coaxial, or other?


Showing 1 response by riccitone

There are many variables to consider, above all the quality of the dac relative to the inputs. Schiit Bifrost 2 has a very well designed usb input that many rave about. Other dacs now offer I2s, which tends to be the cleanest/direct and most consistent digital connection…but again, depends on the internals. Types of chips, topology a s configuration, and then output stage of the dac involved. I’m personally going to be moving my steaming source from coax to I2s by connecting it to my recently purchased Topping D70s. This dac is pretty exceptional for the price, already sounding better than my previous through every single connection (haven’t tried the aes yet).