DAC advice

I currently have an arcam cd36, matched to a mcintosh ma6900 integrated amp, and focal electra be speakers. I feel the arcam is the weak link in my line up and would like to get better digital performance. Is buying a new (or used) DAC at approx $2000 to pair with my arcam the best rout? If so, what DACs should I consider? Furthermore, I've been reading how important the transport is to digital playback and am wondering if purchasing a whole new player might serve me better. In this case I can sell my arcam and put the proceeds towards a new player in roughly the $2800 range. Would this be a better option? If so what players should I consider?

Showing 1 response by metman

Just curious how long you listened to the Tad Predac for as it has only been out a few months now if that. From what I'm hearing it's supposed to be A giant killer and easily bests it's predescessor the Tadac which was no slouch. The reason I'm askng is that you really need to experiment with the tubyness control over the course of several weeks for optimum results