DAC advice

I currently have an arcam cd36, matched to a mcintosh ma6900 integrated amp, and focal electra be speakers. I feel the arcam is the weak link in my line up and would like to get better digital performance. Is buying a new (or used) DAC at approx $2000 to pair with my arcam the best rout? If so, what DACs should I consider? Furthermore, I've been reading how important the transport is to digital playback and am wondering if purchasing a whole new player might serve me better. In this case I can sell my arcam and put the proceeds towards a new player in roughly the $2800 range. Would this be a better option? If so what players should I consider?

Showing 2 responses by ckoffend

There is listed (I think yesterday) a Cal Audio Labs Alpha tubed DAC for pretty good price. I would buy this and listen, I think you will like this DAC a lot and it will only put you out $500, which you could sell in 6 months without a loss. That is a very good move for a very small amount of money upfront and no loss if you want to upgrade again. (FWIW: I have absolutely nothing to do with the sale of the Cal Alpha DAC).
If you choose the second option, I can strongly recommend the Northstar CD 192 (MK 1 or II) with Philips CDPro2 transport (one of the best in the world) and DAC 192 MK II. This DAC is very good to begin with (even more so if you have a server that can output to I2S). With the CD 192 and the included I2S cable, this is really a killer 2-piece combo with the added benefit of additional digital inputs to the DAC. Additionally, since the DAC has balanced outputs, it will be excellent with an existing balanced system. The 2 piece system will run $2500-2600 or about half that for each piece.

A second good option would be the Resolution Audio Opus 21 with the reference GNSC mods. You are looking right at the $2800 price tag (used). This is a very good CD player that also offers the added benefit of digital inputs (again for secondary sources).

$2,000 can get you a pretty darn good (used) DAC. But to go to state of the art DACs, you are probably about half way there with this budget (used prices).

FWIW: I have owned the following digital as reference to these comments: Resolution Audio Opus 21 w/GNSC, Esoteric X-03SE, EMM Labs CDSA/DAC6 combo, Wadia 800 Series, Northstar CD/DAC 192 (currently own) and a DCS stack (currently own), among other lesser digital components.