Da Vinci AAS Gabriel

I read the TAS review of this USD60K tt. Has any audiogoner out there any first hand experience with this tt and can share opinions? I currently use the TW Acustic Raven AC3 tt with the Davinci arm and cartridge. Wondering if it is worthwhile at all to switch to the AAS Gabriel tt.
It sounds like a bit of bad blood spilling over from AAA.

It appears a few from this small Munich group has the penchance to slag off their own countrymen here on a repeated basis. Syntax with his frequent snide remark about TW and Dertonarm's put down of Frank Schroeder, Thomas Schick. What's up?
Thank you very much - Audiosix gives a fine example what I meant in my earlier post......
Indeed the bad virus from AAA.
As always - off topic.
Great Audiosix !
You graced this community with yet another post packed with invaluable technical input and strictly on topic - as usual.
BTW - I still do not believe that this exchange of sidekicks is in any way of any use for anyone. It is a waste of time.
Syntax has provided some personal experience and remarks.
Some didn't like those remarks.
Just put some experience of your own against it - instead of concentrating on Syntax's remarks.
Those who do so should - from past experiences - know only too well how much Syntax does enjoy their fury and futile attempts.

Any chance we get back to the topic ?
Let me try.......
I had a close look at both the DaVinci as well as sampleTT on display there was big and certainly an eye-catcher.
As both - the DaVinci as well as the AC3 or Black Night are fairly simple belt driven TT's without any isolation from vibration they both are quite easy to compare. The TW TT does certainly do feature the better finish and more precise tooling.
In the current state the DaVinci has some charme, but I think Mr. Brehm will add some finishing touches soon.
Both TT's do NEED an isolation from vibration desperately to perform anywhere near the possible state of the art.