DA of the Estoric new N-05XD streaming player

According to my first listening in an audio shop, the sound reproduction of Apple Music is pretty good. Since it is a new one, the dealer offers very little discount. As told by the dealer, the DA of N-05XD is the same as K-03 XD which the later one discount is bigger. However, due to both player launch time is different, I doubt the sound of the DA would be the same or similar. Is there anyone who has listened to both player and the comment for both DA. Tks. in advance.

The problem is you had better to get clock to make sound better with extra expense plus cables.
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This is a premier audiophile Network Player that includes a balanced headphone amp, operates as a Preamplifier and has the ultimate DAC inside - the Esoteric Master Sound Discrete DAC found in their top of the line SACD players and the N-01XD. We are very excited about the N-05XD and have one of our own on order.

Order yours now and get this great Digital Network player for your system! List Price is $11,000 Call us @ 406-285-3910

Available in both Black and Silver, this piece is a system changer!