D2v vs Classe ssp800, which would you prefer?

I have narrowed my choice of ssp's to either the Anthem D2v or Classe ssp800 and would like to hear peoples opinions. It seems to me the anthem has more features but not quite as good sounding as the ssp800. Any thoughts on what you would have in your system?? I am currently an avm30 owner and love it! Obviously, I am very familiar with how it works and its set uo, i.e stay with what you know. My room is not thad bad either. The system is paradigm sig's, mac mc207amp and Marantz ud9004. (would love to own the Mac MX150 but it is priced out of contention. Thanks
I'd give that dealer another chance. Call them back and explain how close you are to buying. Repeat your priorities and concerns and see, with some advanced notice, if they can accommodate the setup your interested in. Make an appointment and tell them how much listening time you might need.

If they continue to assert their vision of how this product should be used I think Classe' would like to know how they're being represented. Classe' should be able to hook you up with a willing dealer.

Have fun shopping.
So far the consensus is go with the classe. I am leaning more towards the D2v one because of it's flexibility and features but also, because the dealer I would buy this from is great. I was hoping that a few D2 folks would chime in. I did take a gander at tha Arcam av888 it seemed nice, anyone out there have any further opinions?
Just my two cents...
I too was very disappointed with my Classe in-store demo. The SQ was extremely disappointing. I was also disappointed with the OSD and the screen resolution/quality on the unit. However, I was very impressed with the build quality. In fact, I almost walked away from Classe. But after hearing such great reviews on the SQ, I insisted trying the unit at home with my own setup. WOW! What a difference. The SSP-800 elevated the SQ of my home setup to a whole new level (clarity of detail, soundstage, dynamics). I have spent several years looking for, researching, and auditioning processors. The SQ on every other unit was only a small incremental improvement on my system (including the Anthem D2 w/o ARC). BTW - My experience with other room equalizers has been that at best they fine tune the sound (i.e. tweaking the soundstage and enabling your speakers to work together better) and are not game changers like I experienced with the SSP-800.

Admittedly, there is a high price to pay for the Classe both financially and in terms of lack of features. For me, SQ is paramount and the home demo really sold me.
I just ordered a Classe SSP-800, it's replacing my Anthem D2 with ARC.
I look forward to hearing the differences between the two. Hope to get by Christmas. I plan to use the XTZ Room EQ kit with Classe's manual EQ to help out with any issues my room has.
You will love it. I think you will find the voice to sound more natural and clear. Does the XTZ EQ do five channels?