D'Agostino Progression Integrated Amp

Anyone had any experience with this model they can comment on?


@bruce_1 Have you by chance compared the Progression Int to the Pass point 8 series like the Int250 or separates like XP22/X350.8?….or the Gryphon Diablo 300?

I have heard that the Prog Int is a very good match with Magnepans.

I auditioned the progression integrated. It was really good I was looking for something different than my krell duo300xd. It had a fuller sound than the krell. I ended up going with classe seperates for a bit. But now find my self with Momentum HD pre and m400 monos. While the progression was awesome I would see of you can find a used momentum integrated. It is much better imo. 

I heard the Progresion Int at the dealers connected to Sasha DAW and it acquitted itself quite well. Source material was all-analog through an ARC phono stage. Horns on the Sonny Rollins on Impulse! LP were lush, big, round, and life-like. The dealer wouldnt concede with me when i said the Progression series sounds a lot closer to the Momentums than the cost dif would inidcate. he disagreed :) I would be a buyer except I’m skeptical of the DAC and phono card’s SQ and would order one w/o those options. Also the nomenclature used for inputs like "Radio" and "theatre" are so dated and I for one dont care for the look of the meters.