Cut lower frequency to help my bookshelf speakers

Dear All,

I try to open a new topic… which i did not find in the previous discussion so maybe is new to the most

 I have a 2 channels system which i want to improve with a minidsp or eq

the question in short is the following:

i love my dynaudio special 25 speakers but often i feel the need to have a better punch on the bass frequency

so i tried to add a couple of svs 1000 pro subs… with excellent results

point is that when i turn up the volume too much i feel the dynaudio midwoofer cone rattle when hit the lower frequency (actually the coil reaches the end of the air gap into the magnet)

so im thinking to add a dsp or eq to cut the lower frequencies before they reach the dynaudio

i have a pre audio research LS2 + amp mark levinson 23.5….. the idea is to add the dsp or eq in the middle and have the following configuration:

  1. connect the minidsp or eq. to the first rca out of the audio research (fortunately i have 2 rca and 2 din outputs) and then to the mark levinson …. in this way i could to cut all the bass frequency under 50 or 60 hz and have the levinson handle  the dynaudio 

  1. connect the 2 subs to the second rca out of the audio research and use the svs internal dsp with iphone app to calibrate them

Hope is clear… What do you think?

Better a miniDSP 2X4 or a Schiit loki mino+

Or anything else?

tks alot for any help or useful hint, best



Showing 1 response by georgehifi

so im thinking to add a dsp or eq to cut the lower frequncies before they reach the dynaudio

More electronics just sterilizes the sound, just plug up the port on the 25’s to raise it’s bass roll off an octave and drive it direct from the amp, and bring in the SVS up higher.
Experiment with the SVS’s phase setting so it sound is loudest at the xover point then adjust the level so you just detect it when it’s needed.

Cheers George