Cut lower frequency to help my bookshelf speakers

Dear All,

I try to open a new topic… which i did not find in the previous discussion so maybe is new to the most

 I have a 2 channels system which i want to improve with a minidsp or eq

the question in short is the following:

i love my dynaudio special 25 speakers but often i feel the need to have a better punch on the bass frequency

so i tried to add a couple of svs 1000 pro subs… with excellent results

point is that when i turn up the volume too much i feel the dynaudio midwoofer cone rattle when hit the lower frequency (actually the coil reaches the end of the air gap into the magnet)

so im thinking to add a dsp or eq to cut the lower frequencies before they reach the dynaudio

i have a pre audio research LS2 + amp mark levinson 23.5….. the idea is to add the dsp or eq in the middle and have the following configuration:

  1. connect the minidsp or eq. to the first rca out of the audio research (fortunately i have 2 rca and 2 din outputs) and then to the mark levinson …. in this way i could to cut all the bass frequency under 50 or 60 hz and have the levinson handle  the dynaudio 

  1. connect the 2 subs to the second rca out of the audio research and use the svs internal dsp with iphone app to calibrate them

Hope is clear… What do you think?

Better a miniDSP 2X4 or a Schiit loki mino+

Or anything else?

tks alot for any help or useful hint, best



Showing 14 responses by aurgolo

Tks all for the hints...

Well, I understand that "small" speakers cannot sound as "big" speakers... but i want to try at least to get the best out of them

I just dont understand if i can somehow prevent the lower frequencies to reach the dynaudio and if it will affect the sound quality ....
For example if i use a minidsp 2x4 in the between the audio research and levinson... will it work or not? ...can be a minidsp or another device (which one in this case)

@mijostyn  ... what does it mean:
Using subwoofers without a dedicated two way crossover is just a cheap and very inappropriate path into subwoofer

I connected the 2 SVS using the rca cable and calibrated via their internal DSP and class D amp... why inappropriate?

i see… the best is to sell the dynaudio and get a floorstand speakers i guess

"Both the 2x4 and 2x4HD use the same DAC the difference is the better DSP engine"

got it!
I found another solution:

the node2 on the rear panel has the analog output L\R and a single sub rca out with high pass filter (which means that when i enable the sub out i can cut the main rca L/R out from 40 to 200 hz)

i can use that ... in this way no minidsp in the between pre and amp and no double conversion AD/DA
(even if the node2 onboard filter is not the best of the best i avoid the double conversion with the external minidsp)

then i will connect the sub rca out of the node2 to the first sub and daisy-chain the second sub (or split the cable)... at the very end calibrate them with the iphone app and their dsp

I should only check if the node2 output level controls both rca and sub out... but i think yes, why not

Tks everybody for the suggestions

@gregm ... i also thought about the rca out of the svs... but the manual says that those are to connect several svs in line... so im not sure that it is a high-pass output
Even if i can mamange to use the rca out as a high-pass filter im not sure the quality is aligned with the rest of the system

@diones51... the 2x4 HD has a DAC which i dont need, so why not buy just the 2x4... i think thay are the same 

Also why use the 2x4 to pilot the 2 SVS?.... they have a good DSP and iphone app which is very flexible (6,12,18, or 24dB slope, volume, phase 0\180, and several presets in memory)

Im just concerned that the minidsp could somehow degrade the overall quality (im old school... the less you put in the music path the best you get)

@imhififan ... yes im sure it will help, im just worried about the potential degrade of the sound (see above)
Well tks all for hints

I understand that would be better to measure how loud im listening… but i never did, just follow my ears… anyway i will give a try to install an app in my iphone

also i will try to use the sub out of my node and cut the lower frequencies to the main L/R out… in this way at least i will avoid the double conversion in an external minidsp
@arcticdeth... yes also i could sell the dynaudio and buy a floorstand.... but before i want to try to get the best out of the special 25

@audiorusty… why put a mini dsp in the between the pre and amp and have then a double conversion ad/da (with possible sound degradation) when is possible to use the node filter and have already the split low/midhigh frequency?

@fiesta75… what is OP?
the SVS rca out i think is not filtered and, even if yes, would imply a double conversion ad\da which could bring some quality degradation

I emailed the bluesound and they replied:

when the sub out is on, the crossover cut is done by the internal DSP before the D\A conversion, this is a good news as it means that there are no risks of quality degradation 
then is possible to move the cut from 40 to 200 hz, large flexibility to make some test

the cut slope is 12db, which is acceptable i guess

So, Im not experimenting this setup (sub out to Subs and main rca out to the audio research) with frequency cuts of 40\50\60 with good results... of course i will test also more cuts in time
In this way, no additional devices in the between pre and amp... and no double conversion ad\da .... 

Then, of course i know that if i really want to make a giant step then i should buy floorstand speakers... maybe i will...

@rixthetrick… i have a levinson 23.5 in perfect working order 
… this ampli really kicks the ass, believe me, and no clipping … surf the net and u find tons of positive reviews, together with 27.5 is considered the best, or among the best levinson, ever

Some time ago i connected also a couple of floorstand speakers borrowed by a friend of mine … also 200 watt at 6 ohm… the same … long stroke double magnet magnets…. Noway… coils regularly hit the end ….