Custom Tuning Conspiracy

I have a theory that the reason custom tuned loudspeakers are not offered to the market place is because it would essentially destroy the whole speaker industry. If every audiophile had their speakers custom made for them, there would simply be no need for further speakers to be made, until the next generation of audiophiles came along which would take decades. 

If you think about it, most speakers are mass produced junk. They are made in vast quantities so that more profit can be made. 

Even the few companies that do offer so called custom speakers are not really customized. Companies such as Gr research and Fritz offer their range of speakers hoewever GR research tunes all their speakers flat by default and Fritz does not tune his speakers to his customers exact specifications. 

Wouldn't it be wonderful if there was a speaker company that made speakers according to your exact specifications? You would choose the material, shape, drivers, components, configuration, crossover slopes and frequency response. It would be made to measure. 

The people that mock this idea say that speakers dont need to be made to measure. This is nonsense. Every speaker on the market already sounds different from one another. Audiophiles then go on the merry go round and buy one speaker after another, each speaker never quite fulfilling their needs. How much time would be saved if the right speakers were made for you right from the start?

Not only would it save time it would save resources and energy. Every speaker model is produced in their thousands. Yet perhaps only a dozen people will eventually find that particular model suits their ears. So that means several hundred speakers have been made and will eventually end up in the junkyard. What a waste of time, energy and resources? 

Should there be more companies doing truly custom tuned speakers among the vast sea of mass produced junk producing companies?


Showing 8 responses by dill

"Eventually I will be vindicated and I will have the last laugh."

- Ok, consider yourself vindicated, enjoy your last laugh, now go away.

"The customers would receive a visit from our tuners."

- Are these "tuners" from your imaginary company?

"Most audiophiles are not satisfied with whats available. So something is wrong. Even if there are 1000 speakers out there thats still a small number compared to the number of audiophiles. How many audiophiles are there? Must be hundreds of thousands. So to satisfy us all there would need to be at least 1 million speakers out there. Rather than spending a lifetime searching for the perfect match, shouldnt there be a quicker way?"

- Stop making up all this crap, it really is quite sophomoric and just a bunch of word salad, missing proper punctuation.

"Yes, hypothetically speaking."

- As everything is coming from you, right?

"If you want something mediocre then why are you an audiophile? Being an audiophile is about wanting the very best. If you want the best, you have to ensure that the speaker is tuned to your preferences and to your room. Why should the designer know better than we do about how the crossover should be tuned? Perhaps to his ears he wants +2db at 10khz but to my ears I need -1db at 10khz?  perhaps he has chosen linkwitz riley fourth order, but what we really want is a shallow first order on the bass and a second order on the tweeter? "

- You are creating problems & situations, then trying to solve them when just about nobody cares and just the existence of them is questionable. You continually try to ram this crap down our throats when it should be abundantly clear, to you, that just about everyone couldn't care less. It seems like your wish for attention is your goal here. Are you really getting the attention you want here?



"Its not a model designed to make money. That is exactly the problem with speaker design. Its based primarily on maximizing profit. My technology would be based on meeting the needs of each and every audiophile. It has nothing to do with profit. Why shouldnt it be profitable? If the customer was present while the crossover was being tuned by the designer, he could then state his preferences based on what he was hearing and that would then determine the final crossover circuit."

- So, who exactly is going to do all the testing, designing and creating these imaginary speakers for no money?

"We can charge as much or as little as we see fit. However we would not be overcharging customers unlike all the other high end companies. We could if we wanted to."

- Notice his frequent use of the word "we". Evidently he has imaginary employees too that he will pay whatever they decide. 

Great idea mitch2, however that will never come to reality because it would require money, actual effort, planning and too much time away from the keyboard.