custom built rack's.

ive looked at hunderd's of rack's within the last few weeks from all kind's of different manufacturer's & so far none will fit my needs,either they all are too weak or the shelve's are not spaced far enough apart to accomodate my amp's.

does anybody have a clue as to where to buy a rack that will hold the weight of several monster amp's & have shelve's that are spaced atleast 14 inche's apart,also the rack will need to be able to handle 800 to 1,000 lbs of gear safely.

im not oposed to having a rack custom built but im clueless as to what companies build to order & how long such an order would take or even the price range to have this done.

if worse come's to worse i have some super nice black walnut plank's that ive been saving for a special project that i could build my own out of but i would prefer to just buy a rack.

any ideas ?


Showing 1 response by tms0425

If you're headed that direction (SRA) and that kind of $$$ you really should talk to Joe at Critical Mass Systems. He has isolation platforms that simply slide into a rack. You can kind of pay as you go as you add "shelves" if they could be called that. One of the nicest things (besides great sound) is that they do NOT have to be tuned to the specific component, weight, or load balance up to reasonable limits (130#). I have several on order for my Joule gear after listening to the Rites of Passage at his house as well as the words of Jud Barber and Bobby at Merlin.