Currently best digital DirectTV receiver

What is currently the best HDTV receiver for satellite TV? I plan to use it for feeding the signal via component cable into a Lexicon MC-12 and Sharp XV-Z9000U.
There is a compatibilty issue with RCA DirecTV DSS boxes and the Lexicon MC-12. The RCA breaks the digital audio stream when changing channels or channel surfing. This has been established and confirmed with a DTC-100. Any other brand of HD DSS receiver will not have issues with the Lex and the DTC doesn't have comatibilty issues with any other processor but the Lex. Go figure.
Hey,Doc: I have the Panasonic TU-HDS20. It is a Directv and OTA combination box.--No need for antenna switch button. If you ever got one of these, copy the codes to SL9000 or something similar.There is a lag time you have to get used to.There is a fan noise (RCA 100 has it also) I, however have no problem with this. For what it does; It does well.It does 480i,480p,720,1080,native, and hibird via push button on the unit.--as well as stretch,ect. Available on line for about 450.While this is the only box I have ever used or owned, I like it.--It has component outs, the RCA has svga outs. Once you adjust to it, you just enjoy, and worry about your display device.