Current quality of Rune

I did some searching and didn't find any recent posts about Roon. I want to try streaming with my new dac which is made to work with Roon. 

I'm able to stream with Audivarna which I had used previously. It sounds good, but there is a glitch that causes loud static when switching songs. After lots of Googling, I've failed to come up with a fix. 

I'll do the free trial and try Roon, but I wanted to get people's opinion on Roon. I've read that the interface is one of the best. Is it reliable? Good sound quality?  I've read that Audivarna sounds better, but those could be old comments. 


I’ve subscribed to ROON with Tidal and Qobuz for around 18 months and I’m never going back…

Sound quality is excellent and “ROON Radio” new music discovery algorithm is in my opinion the best I e experienced yet.

Lifetime subscription is looming!

In my experience, the Innuous and Aurender apps sound better than Roon, but with Roon I can use the DSP function to correct for room/speaker interactions which results in a better sound.

I also think Roon has a much better UI and discovery mode.

@pourdecisions and others using Roon dsp, you can do far better dsp with HQPlayer. One of my streamers allows 1/2 hour auditions of HQPlayer, so this compared to Roon no contest, Roon opaque, artificial sound quality. One has to be aware using dsp requires tons of processor resources which may stress processor,result noise, glitches.

Pour we were Aurender dealers and found that a superior server running Roon far outperformed the Aurenders Roon servers can all sound different we went from Aurenderer to innous to the 432evo servers and each step brought improvements


to date we have tested Aurender, Auralic ,sotm, Baetis, Innous and finally 432EVO

Dave and Troy

Audio Intellect NJ

432EVO dealers