Current, Amperage

I’m trying to make sense of the argument about various types of speakers [ sensitivity, brand, etc ] and their relationship with power/ current/ amperage.

Can someone please provide some basic perspective.

I have a 91.5db tall floor speaker [ Focal Chorus 826V ] and what should I look for in an amp to drive these? How much power do I really need with all things being equal? I use a VTL tube 2.5 amp if that matters to the discussion.

Thank you.
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It's more about synergy, not math.  I have a 300 wpc Mac but usually am using my 10 watt triode.  Running out of power can ruin a speaker and/or your experience but quality is much more important than quantity.  

My math was a generalization but you do need a frame of reference on these things.  Generally speaking you gain 3db for doubling your wattage is a great way to understand why going from 40 to 60 watts is virtually inaudible all other things remaining equal.

Anyone have thoughts regarding the NAD 275bee amp paired with my Chorus/ Focal 826V speakers. Seems like it has really good ’bottom power’ & great mids/ highs, as well as, plenty of power when you need it. Also a good value.
