Current Alan Parsons tour: anybody seen him?

I've always loved Alan Parsons, and he just added a date in Eugene, OR, albeit at a small outdoor venue that is not my favorite. Just wondering what music he's doing on this tour and how his current band handles the vocals and material. Anybody had a chance to catch his show? Please report!

Between Jobs? What do you do for a living... Music Critic? No really thanks for a great recap,Parsons always took pride in the sound of his recordings something all audiophiles should be thankful for. I picked up all the early stuff from I Robot to Turn of A Friendly Card on Japanese Import distributed by Audiosource for 3.99 used a piece at Moby Disc back in the day and they are some of the best sounding vinyl in my collection.
My brother-in-law wrote music reviews for a living back in the early 70s. There wasn't much money in it, but he got to listen to a lot of great bands for free. As you can tell by the quality of my writing, I need to stick to accounting. :-)

The sound quality of this concert was outstanding, among the best I've heard at the Hult, and I've seen a lot of shows there. AP had 4 people behind the sound board, so he clearly cares about his live sound as much as he does his studio sound. Simply amazing.
I was at this show as well! Being a long-time fan who never thought I would ever have the chance to hear Alan Parsons & band (& orchestra!) live, it was one of the best concert experiences of my life. Glad you enjoyed it too.

I'm trying to reconstruct the playlist from that night and would welcome your input. I also took some photos (from the mezzanine, but they still look pretty good) that you are welcome to if you'd like. Probably be better to do this via email unless others would be interested in what they played. (remove extra "o"s when mailing).