Curious what people think is the best "value" high end speaker (~5K to 15K)

I am on a long search for speakers and just curious what people think is the best value both new or used in speakers ranging from around $5000 to $15000? I have a set of Paradigm S8's (V1) and love them but looking for another set for another set in a different listening area (25 x 20?, maybe larger).  I love the full sound of JBL's and looking for something in that range (it also helps that JBL's seem to hold their value better than most, which will be a consideration). The only drawback to JBL is footprint.  I prefer a smaller footprint which is why after reading I hope to listen to several B&W 800 series but open to suggestions across the board.  used Watt Puppies? Revels?  I am curious about peoples experience with McIntosh XR100's. 

Showing 6 responses by glupson


Congratulations. It seems like the beginning of wonderful relationship.

You surely made those TAD speakers sound good through the Audiogon thread posts and now I regret that I missed them. Well, next time.

On the other hand, they must be competing for the title of the most expensive speaker per cubic inch. Nothing wrong with that, but they do look quite small on the pictures.

Congratulations again.
Oooops, I missed CAF. Forgot about it. Did I miss much (except TAD speakers)?

after reading the following post and asking what a buyer would have to do with a customer service when buying, my post got deleted. Not that it was of any value, but it is puzzling as the post I was referring to stayed...

"With Revel you're dealing with the Harman Kardon mega-church which provides shitty customer service."

"I've tried to like the new B&W's... but I don't."
This is getting interesting. A speaker company with a long tradition of building really esteemed products gets more than just one "not my kind" response on this thread. Again, no haters but just not impressed ones. I thought I was the only one out there. I guess it is time to come out of the closet. Maybe higher models are significantly different?
"Don’t let the B&W haters dissuade you..."
No B&W haters have posted yet. A few non-impressed ones, but no haters so far.
"I've not heard Wilsons.

...B&W are underwhelming IMHO,...

...I always found B&W to sound boxy and congested."