Cullencable: XLR and speaker cables

Category: Cables

I was a skeptic of Cullen Cables. After all, very much every cable manufacturer out there claims his cables to be the greatest. Some of them are sold at ridiculous prices, costing as much as a car!

Cullen cables are priced within the reach of common folks. Furthermore, there is a 30 day money back guarantee, so I figured that I didn't have much to loose. I purchased Patrick Cullen's XLR interconnects and speaker cables thinking that I would probably end up returning them after trying them out in my system. Boys, I was wrong! Forget about their prices for a moment. His XLR interconnects sound as good as the MIT Oracles! His speaker cables sound as good as the pricey AQ and Kubala! When you consider how much Patrick's cables are sold for, their performance / price ratio is astounding!

I have no affiliation with Cullencable. For the performance / price point, his XLR interconnects and speaker cables are hard to beat! I am going to try his Crossover series power cable next. I am a skeptic of power cable making an improvement in sound, but hey, with the 30-day money back guarantee, I have nothing to loose!

Showing 1 response by seamaster969

Why would anyone in their right mind pay such prices for an XLR or Speaker cable? What about power cables, it that a joke? let's be serious, are we playing pin the tail on the donkey? I guess there's plenty of Donkey out there. Broadcasters, Post Facilities nor recording studios would consider such products.If you are serious about your audio all you need to do is google; Belden, Canare or gepco and Neutrik that's what the pro's use.. Everything else is just noise.