@agbrace I have a very large order that I placed in March that I'm still waiting on....
I know I will get the cables...I trust Patrick. But I cant predict when. I dont want to make any public theories about why the wait time has been so long but this has been going on for a couple yrs now. I have ordered from him in the last couple years so I kind a half prepared for this.
Anyways... feel confident that you will get your cables and also he had developed a new design for his Crossover Series that he says has even less noise than previous. You should be getting the updated Crossover designed cables...if that's what u ordered.
To put things in perspective a little...I've been waiting on a preamp for 7 months. They decided to "update" the faceplate. The thing is built...but is just sitting.on the shelf because it takes 7+ months to make a faceplate... :/
So wither these cables come tomorrow or next month...Im not playing any music without a volume control.