Cube Audio speakers in Northern California?

My audiophile pal in Italy upgraded to Cube Audio speakers and is blown away with them.  I'd be keen to hear a pair if anyone near Sacramento or San Francisco  has a pair that they would allow me to hear.  I will be happy to bring refreshments to the audition.  Thanks. 


Thank you @eric5kim 

I'd love to try the Nenuphar with a First Watt SIT4. But now you have me thinking about tubes!


I also run my Jazzon's with a First Watt J-2 which provides a sound quality that is very comparable to that of my tube amps. 

@eric5kim ,

Thank you for your impressions on the Nenuphars and IQ.  In particular I am interested to hear your thoughts on the comparison between the Nenuphar and the Nenuphar Mini.  Since you’ve owned both can you please elaborate?

Thank you in advance..