Cube Audio Nenuphar Single Driver Speaker (10 inch) TQWT Enclosure

Cube Audio (Poland) designs single drivers and single driver speakers. 

Principals are Grzegorz Rulka and Marek Kostrzyński.

Link to the Cube Audio Nenuphar (with F10 Neo driver) speaker page:

Link to 6Moons review by Srajan Ebaen (August 2018):


Parameters (from Cube Audio):

Power: 40 W

Efficiency: 92 dB

Frequency response: 30Hz - 18kHz ( 6db)*

Dimensions: 30 x 50 x 105 cm

Weight: 40 Kg

* Frequency response may vary and depends on room size and accompanying electronic equipment.

Showing 50 responses by david_ten

An update regarding my system:  Scott Sheaffer's Found Music custom 2A3 monoblocks will be delivered by Scott tomorrow evening. I'll share more once they have had time to settle, post the eight hour drive from north of Dallas to New Orleans. The amps are fully run in...over 500 hours.
@khargon  I've been (mostly) hands-off through the build process. I'll share the design elements / approach later. 

The incoming amps will output around 3 watts... which is by design...the focus being on maximizing sound quality over power output. To illustrate the point, my current amps were designed to maximize output from the 2A3s and deliver ~ 4 to 4.5 watts.
@tomic601  @charles1dad  Thanks!  The credit goes to and is well deserved by everyone!!!
@stephendunn  All the best on going forward with the Thoress EHT integrated and TotalDac D1 Direct.
Scott Sheaffer’s Found Music custom 2A3 amplifiers went in the system two Thursdays ago. Initial impressions are very positive.

Unfortunately, Hurricane Ida meant having to power off two Saturdays ago. Power is estimated to be back up this coming Wednesday. I should be able to report back with more initial impressions in a week or two.

Our house sustained significant damage from a large uprooted tree which took out one side of our home. This is where the audio room is. I doubt construction and repairs will start anytime soon, but when they do I will have to forego the audio system as we are short three rooms in our home.

@stephendunn  That's so impressive. Congratulations. Is this 'IT' on the amp front? : )

The closer to the real thing the audible information is, the more I "see" the music, performers, instruments, and recording space.  And, consequently, the more engaging the listening experience is.


@rwpollock  Robert, has your move to tubes (Shindo and Aric Audio, etc.) changed your perspective on what's 'musically' achievable with the Nenuphars in the system chain? Thanks.

Fairaudio (Germany) review of the Nenuphar Mini:

Nenuphar Mini Review by fairaudio-de

[The link is to page 3 / conclusions; in English via Google Translate]

HiFi and LP Magazines (Germany) review of the Nenuphar Mini:

Nenuphar Mini Review by HiFi and LP Magazines

[The link is to the PDF translated English version]

YouTube video of the Jazzon posted by Cube Audio (for those who want to compare it to the Nenuphar):


Cube Audio Jazzon Video


[There are a number of videos of the different models for comparison. Click on 'Cube Audio Full Range Loudspeakers' when in YouTube].

@larryi  Larry, I've been travelling and busy. I'll reach out to you.

@paullb   Thanks for the feedback, Paul.


Rough (and general) numbers for my system with the Nenuphars:

~ 9.5 ft from the front wall (to the front of the speakers)

~ 7.5 ft apart (center of driver to center of driver)

~ 7 ft from the listening position

~ 15 to 20 degree toe in

Room size: 26 by 19 by 9
On a very positive note, I have beautiful music. 

There is a gentleman interested in my Pass XA 30.8 amp. I powered it up yesterday and have it playing music via the Nenuphars for about 2 hours now.

Have to say it is holding its own. Very good... in fact quite good!

Scott's new 2A3 amps have 80 hours of playtime on them since being re-powered up (once the electricity was restored, post Ida).  I'll post more about how they are performing, in a day or two.
@abd1  Things are slowly moving along. The downed tree is scheduled to be removed on Tuesday. After that the collapsed chimney and major debris from the side of the house will be removed. There is a section on the inside of the house that will need to be sealed for protection from dampness and mold, etc. This is just the start. 
@abd1  Re-enforcing what you already know. Since you are in a new room, with different dimensions, etc. etc. experimentation will take time but you will find the sweet spot!!!

Let us know what ends up working best for you. All owners posting here have slightly different position setups specific to their rooms and needs.

@stephendunn  Thanks for posting the review of the Enleum 23. I'm especially curious about it's headphone performance. Can you PM me regarding your experience in that area?

So what's at the top "of the list of why [you] like it so much" ???   : )

I realize the multiple posts are a bug...can you delete two of them?


I will be comparing Scott’s amps direct into the Furutech duplexes against the amps being powered via my SR PowerCell, after the Furutech duplexes have at least 250 hours on them.

Scott’s amps have been powered via the SR PowerCell since I received them. All of my listening has been in this configuration.
I have also re-introduced the T+A PA 3100 HV integrated amplifier into the system. I am bypassing it’s pre...and using the T+A SDV’s pre.

More on this amp driving the Nenuphars at a later date.
Scott’s Found Music 2A3 amps now have 210 hours of play time on them. This is since power was restored, post Ida.

On Scott’s recommendation, I installed a pair of Furutech GTX-D NCF(R) Duplexes; GTX Wall Frames; and 106-D NCF Outlet Covers. The Furutech duplexes replaced my Synergistic Research Blue Duplexes. The SR duplexes remain for ancillary use. All duplexes are on a common ground.

I have 121 hours of draw-through time on the duplexes.
The fallen tree has been removed (mostly). The stump and root ball remain. They should be ground down sometime this week. The 23 ton crane / boom truck was unable to reach and remove it.

The significant debris from the chimney / side collapse has also been removed and taken to the dump. The Parish contracted service has picked up the debris that was by the curb (us as well as the neighbors). The immediate area is looking more ’normal’ except for the impacted ornamental trees along our property boundary. Slow progress, but progress nonetheless.

@v10 Welcome! I’ve been very curious about a GM70 pairing with the Nenuphars. Great to hear you are loving your NAT - V2 combo. The Single HPS looks like quite the build. Thanks for posting your results with the NAT and how it easily bettered the Pass XA25.

@khragon  I believe Scott is having his site rebuilt and is moving to another hosting service. If you would like his contact info, PM me.

@stephendunn +1 regarding:

It’s been an interesting and enlightening journey.


And one that has paid off, big-time, for you. Your effort is admirable.

@v10   Second Charles' comments.

I posted the link to Mono and Stereo (of your system) when I came across it. Nice to have you, as the owner, active here.

The Mono and Stereo page mentions "installation by Klangloft Munich." Can you share more? 

+1 on your move to the Linn Klimax

@rwpollock   Robert, thanks for sharing your experience with the SPEC integrated amp and congratulations on finding another successful and satisfying pairing for your Nenuphars.

Paired with my Nenuphars, the SPEC was in the upper echelon, keeping company with my SIT-2 and Vinnie Rossi integrated.

Mr. Shirokazu Yazaki's (and his design team's) efforts have been on my radar, for some time now, because of what you eloquently concluded:

"The amp isn't about that bump in the upper mid-bass; the focus is on tone. Instead of listening with my forebrain I find myself listening a little deeper."

I encourage those curious about SPEC to read Jeff Day's Positive Feedback review, which Robert linked in his post. It is thorough and complete...wish more reviews were as well done.
An update that's a non-update. : )

The comparison of the Found Music 2A3 amps directly into the Furutech wall outlets to the 2A3 amps direct into the SR PowerCell is taking longer than I expected. 

Both 'powering chains' are resulting in beautiful music. Many more similarities than differences. No clear preference. At this time.

I've chosen not to complicate things by introducing the T+A amp into the mix. I'll wait until I've reached a conclusion and/or choice regarding the 2A3 amps directly into the wall OR into the SR PowerCell.

I consider/find the 2A3 amps to be fully run in now. They have over 1200 hours of active play time on them. They have been stable in my system, post hurricane Ida electricity restoration and the Furutech install, for over 350 hours.

I also believe the Furutech outlets are run in to my satisfaction. They have over 200 hours of active play time. And over 340 hours drawing current. [Note: this is contrary to what many report].
@dspringham  Congratulations!!!

Would love to see the finish you chose. Can you link to a photo?

Nenuphar in Smoked Eucalyptus (piano gloss finish)

I'm also curious about your component chain ahead of the Vinnie Rossi?  Thanks.
you gotta love speakers like this that bring out everything that this mighty 2 watts has to offer

Highlighting the important point Dave ( @dspringham ) makes.

This despite Nenuphar specs, which suggest otherwise.
Here’s additional clarification re. my post on performance ~ sound volume ~ vis a vis low output power amps. In this case, my Found Music 2A3s.

My reference is the normal volumes I listen to music. A majority of my listening generally falls in the mid to high 70 dB (average) SPL range at my listening position (common room/area reasons). I will listen in the low to mid 80 dB (average) SPL range when I’m by myself. These numbers are for acoustic Jazz...not, repeat not EDM, which I play at higher volumes when I’m by myself.

Note: Average SPLs are measured with mobile apps...not accurate of course, but in the ballpark.
@dspringham Thanks for posting your photos. Gorgeous. Can’t wait for the close-ups!!!

What base are you using for the front spikes?

Thanks also for sharing your system chain. What are your thoughts on the K30 server/player?
@splunders  Can you share more about your concerns, for example any genre specific issues with your current Zu speakers - FW-3 amplifier pairing?  The types of music you listen to? Etc.  Thanks. - David.
@splunders Adding to @stephendunn ’s @toetapaudio ’s and @abd1 ’s posts...

I listen to a wide range of music ranging from large scale classical to EDM and much in between. With the more recent changes / upgrades of components my percentage of large scale classical has increased...which, I believe, says a lot...especially since the Nenuphars are a single driver speaker.

I listened to Darkside and Kelly Lee Owens since I’m not familiar with them. Much of the electronic / EDM music I listen to is ’harder’ than both. Electronic music is stellar via the Nenuphars (and my system).

I regularly post some of what I’m listening to on the "Whats playing on your system today?" thread. If you are curious, look to the last three pages of the thread for a sampling, across genres.

All of the artists and groups you listed will be beautifully expressed via the Nenuphar and your FW SIT 3 pairing. Others have addressed the Decware pairing and synergy earlier.
@mga71   Congratulations on moving forward with your Audio Note 300B. Can't wait for your feedback on the pairing results!
@toetapaudio Richard, I’m using Found Music speaker cables. I compared them, over a long in-home audition, with SR’s Atmosphere X Level 3 Euphoria speaker cables.

I chose Found Music for my analog cables [SC + IC...I still use SR on the digital side] as they were slightly more natural within the context of my system.

Mentioning the above because the SR cables are solid performers as well, and are widely available.
I want to make clear that the Nenuphar driver and enclosure design has limitations, specific to it. As does any speaker design. For illustration purposes, a large scale multi-driver speaker will deliver aspects related to large scale orchestral music that will fall short with the Nenuphars. On the other hand, the Nenuphars will deliver in areas those speakers fall short in.
@mga71 I believe I’ve posted on this before (if memory serves). IF NOT, here goes:

With this version* of the F10 Neo drivers: it is my opinion, based on two and a half years of personal experience, that the power output from a 300B SET amp is in the "ideal range" to drive the Nenuphars (F10 Neo + TQWT enclosure).

I continue to be surprised that owners have not used 300B SET amps to drive the Nenuphars. Even if I ignore [IMO] the "ideal power output synergy", the far wider numbers and brand options available (versus other SET types), the spread of options over a wide price range, the healthy used market, all point to a higher probability match.

My previous 2A3s were purposely designed to output 4 Watts. My current 2A3s are purposely designed to output 3 Watts. In both cases, my percentage of large scale orchestral music listening has increased. Note: this is also due to and dependent of other system based changes.

My room is 19 ft wide (front wall) by 26 ft long by 9 ft tall.

Given what I’m hearing across a fairly wide range of music genres, for my preferences and needs AND room size, I would not want to go below 3 Watts. Again, this is for a very wide range of genres. If someone is focused on smaller scale acoustic genres, then lower output power will be fine.
@stephendunn  Are you still using the Townshend platforms / podiums under the Nenuphars? Thanks. - David.
@dspringham   Echoing Charles' response...+1 

I put one of these Zen amps on my Cube Audio Nenuphars and it sounds unearthly good.

@abd1  You have excellent company and are in a very good place with your Alan Eaton and Primaluna amps and those tube choices at your disposal. For me, reading your post is happiness inducing. Thanks!!!
@stephendunn  Thanks for taking the effort and time [it's a  significant undertaking] on removing the Nenuphars from the Townshend platforms and conducting the A/Bs both on and off of the platforms.

Thanks also for sharing your results and your overall preference.

For me, the platforms are a NO GO. It's unfortunate that we can't listen to each others' setups. : )
@kw6  +1 to @stephendunn 's response to your question (both copied below):

Stephen >>> "Nenuphars have ten inch drivers....those drivers deliver a ton of top end air.  Have you read reviews at 6 Moons, Stereo Times and avshowrooms among others?  They might help overcome your concerns about a single wideband driver. "

You >>> "Still concerned no tweeter not able to get top end air! What do you think?"

BTW, I just read up on the Odeon Rigoletto 2020s and they appear to be a great choice.
@stephendunn  Correct!!!  Placement is such a critical and rewarding factor with speakers in general.

Have you raised / have you considered raising your listening position to accommodate the 3 inch height increase with the Nenuphars on the Townshend platforms?

I imagine the results will be different with the bass reflex cabinet designs (i.e. sealed bottom cabinet versions) ???