CSPort Turntable speed control

Wondering how the CSPort TAT1 and TAT2 lock on to speeds?  Is it reading the platter speed?  I see the plus and minus buttons and one that says lock.  Can't find a manual online...

Thank you!


Showing 3 responses by chauncey

Interesting perspectives.  I'm always thinking about what sounds like really cool technology for turntables and then also how long that part last or that sensor or re-calibrating.  I think the SME Model 60 was just released and I don't think that table is doing live monitoring of the speed and making corrections....I think you calibrate it and leave it?

The Döhmann Helix One MK3 looks really cool!  Might be out of my budget.  

That Esoteric Grandioso T1 Magnetic drive systems looks really cool as well!  But I think it's a step up from what I'm looking at.  



I've always liked SME and the reason I have an SME arm. But really how in the world do you get .005% accuracy with a rotary knobs?  You could breath hard on the knob and move it more than .005%?