Cryoing of audio equipment

In general, is cryo-freezing of audio components worth the hassle and expense? I've heard varying opinions, and I'm sure I'll get a few more here, but I'm curious about the procedure. Any opinions and experiences welcome. Thanks!

Showing 2 responses by stehno

I just installed my first Jena Labs cryo-treated Hubbell 20amp IEC onto my passive in-line power conditioner that connects to my amplifier. The improvements were substantial and surprising.

Of course, now I'm going to have to order more Jena Labs cryo-treated IECs, plugs, and outlets from them.

So why not continue this treatment with cables, ic's, speaker cables, and finally components themselves?

Oohlala, that is a very good question and to be honest I wouldn't have the foggiest.

But I would venture a guess that the Jena Labs' non-cryo-treated 20 amp Hubbell IEC connector would sound quite similar to the replaced non-Jena Labs non-cryo-treated 20amp Hubbell IEC connector that came stock on my Foundation Research LC-2 passive in-line power conditioner.