Cryogenic Tubes - Time for a Change

Well it finally happened, one of my (four) EL34 tubes in my Willsenton R8 blew up last night. I knew it was coming. The bias meter had been telling me for about three weeks that this particular tube was loosing its mojo. Before you ask, yes I kept adjusting it's bias to match the others, it just wouldn't stay there for long.

Based on curiosity I just purchased (4) EL34 cryogenic tubes. They should be here by Friday.

I'm curious what folks (with actual direct experience, not your usual "everything new is snake oil" folks) think of cryogenic tubes in their systems?


The benefits listed are: 

Expanded dynamic range

Smoother and more refined high frequencies

Increased Bass depth, definition, and articulation

Deeper and more focused soundstage

Lower dynamic noise floor 

Reduced micro phonics

Smoother midrange 

Lower operating temperature and extended tube life 


Thanks for your feedback (pun intended) and Happy Listening .



Showing 1 response by woodsage

I ran some cryoed Black Sable EL34’s in a Melody integrated very similar to the R8. All of them ran away and red-plated one at a time very early in their lives. Never had that problem in that amp with any other EL34’s. So, for me, never again on cryoed tubes. 
I also happen to own the R8 now and much prefer running KT88’s in it. 

Good luck and good listening!