cryoed vs uncryoed wire A/B tests?

Can anyone that has actually used both describe the difference between a cryoed and uncryoed version of a certain wire?

Please dear friends only reports on actual experience, I have read all the post of the detractors of the process. I for one know that wire does make a sonic difference (tried many different ones at the same time in the same system and differences for me were clearly audible). I am just wondering given one wire if cryoing it would deliver the usual goodies, more clarity, better extension, more �organic� sound, what ever you tell me. Any risks associated with the treatmen of the cables?



Showing 1 response by thorman

For me, trying some tubes ( Svetlana el34 quads )that I have the same as uncryo'd.The cryo version seems to be more refined. No tone changes but the leading edges are more noticeable and all mids and high notes have more refinemnet..........